Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Random Ramblings

It takes a while to write, dedicatedly about something we feel, but I thought mind has no set limits or boundaries, there are about 86400 moments ( Source of the number= no of seconds in a day) in everyday which can provoke or ignite any stupid, random thoughts in us, and I have just scribbled a little from past few days... which I guess can make a little meaning.

When was the last time you felt your breath, apart from when you were in the gym or during a jog? How many moments have you actually lived today as you read, may be how many can you remember from today:  1, 2 or 6? You will never know the value of  a moment till it becomes a memory it can be either sweet or bitter. don't get too engrossed into things that you actually don't take care of these little moment, all of them put together is the so called Life.

The harder the life is the stronger you will become, the stronger you will become the easier life will seem to be, the fact of the matter is that life has been a bitch all the time just that we should be changing according to its bitchiness. End of the day Bad times will always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to.

We are leading a sub-conscious life and just flowing where the wind blows. Stand still. Feel the wind blow against you and start walking against it. If it is stronger than you are, then you were flowing with it anyways..But if you can walk against it, that means you are kicking some butt, and if you aren't then you are getting knocked down on your ass...either won't stop walking you need to or you will end up being a part of the flow-  make your choice and keep trying.

What's right and what's wrong? What's right for me might be wrong for you, everyone equally has their own versions of truth too....I was just thinking if there is any definite right/wrong , good/bad created for the whole man kind? for one...we know what we do its right or wrong so as long as we can be answerable to our self and sleep on a pillow called conscience every night I think it's enough.

It's high time I thought I should say this and remind you all about our Parents, When was the last time you had time for them, spoke to them and checked on them? We got to remember that they are growing old and they need us, there is no one else who knows you or understands you more than your Mother, I love mine...for all the reasons she is, she does, she says.... Go now, tell her you love them and you can do anything possible to make them happy and comfortable coz that's all they need some time of ours and comfort!!

That's pretty much for now. Adios amigos.... !

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