Wednesday, August 27, 2014


There are two kind of writers, the Great ones who can give you truths and the lesser one's who can give you themselves- I am not even nearer to a Great Writer I just scribble my thoughts - I don't intend to write about specific people or situations whom I like or I hate, I would just like to reach you all and express my own life's experiences through this Blog-

A little bit about me:

I am just a “human” who is Emotional, quiet- interesting (i guess), understanding, suave :  A Traveler who has been passing through different phases of life…My search is on, for happiness and always will be... Life gives me a high, so trying to live as much as I can and everywhere- with family, at work, with friends and always trying to get the most and the best out of this life. Have no complaints, have no regrets, I hate no body…..just want to have a good ride in whatever I do wherever I am because,  " Life's good with all those little imperfections"
I have reached from No-where to Now-here till now, and need to reach somewhere else, and I am on the way, I am a Work in Progress , with unlimited thoughts and a never ending passion to be better than who I was yesterday.

I can be reached at for comments and critics...

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