Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Happy ness:

Be happy for no reason (like a small baby) because A reason can be taken away from you, and you will be left abandoned and unhappy- Deepak Chopra.

We all have read numerous quotes of situations or sayings by scholars, or writers, everyone has given their own versions or opinions and I feel Happiness is a State of Mind and nothing else. Now it's up to us to control or direct what will effect, so called happiness within ourselves.  You can never blame a Situation or an Individual for taking away your happiness because both of them are Powerless without your involvement.

I don't believe in fate or destiny. I believe in various degrees of hatred, paranoia, and abandonment. However much of that gets heaped upon you doesn't matter - it's only a matter of how much you can take and what it does to you and how much can it come between you and your Happy-ness!

Success and money can contribute to happiness, but happiness itself is another thing altogether. Words like ‘family’, ‘friends’, ‘love’ and ‘laughter’ have a lot more to do with happiness than words like ‘gross’, ‘capital’ and ‘revenue’ ' bonus' or 'Incentive'

Let's give sadness equal share, because you can't really begin to appreciate happiness until you've known sadness.  And also Adversity because that's when you will learn who are actually with you and for you. Be thankful to all the times we have lost, that's when we realize what it feels like to Win or succeed and during all the times you fail, you do create another winner, and someone will create you in due course of time.

Wiki defined it as: Happiness is a mental or emotional state of wellbeing characterized by positive or Pleasant reasons ranging from contentment to intense joy!

So get beaten up, keep that smile on your face. Fail a 100 times don't forget to Smile, Die a little inside whenever something bad happens giggle a little bit on the outside, Its totally fine not to know all the answers, because the questions always keep changing.

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