Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The New Normal

If I say what everyone has been saying or things which people are candid about, then you all might as well login into your regular Facebooks, tune into news channels and may be just simply hit google.com. I want to express what y’all don’t feel like, but sure you agree with me deep down inside or may be are waiting to hear the same from someone somewhere else. It takes one voice out which can make others a little comfortable and feel that they are not alone to feel so. And when I try to be  that one I am called a misfit/ dysfunctional I would rather call this league of people as New Normal's I am  glad that I am and I enjoy being one even more after learning more and more about people around me, the more I like myself.

For one I say you are under no obligation to give your opinion / view on everything. At times, you can just shut up, and trust me it works and am sure you will thank me later. Come hell or high water, Nobody wants a dose of reality. We just want to sound intelligent and intense and we are prefect with our larger than life escapist fare. This makes me an excessive clinomania’c , who sometimes do not want to come across the people I know, the way they think, they act, throw those sad rotten tantrums and still desperately want the world to feel and think that they are perfect life- Its great if you do, good for you.

It took a while for me to understand that I am a misfit, I don’t seem to be happy for most of the reasons the world is for. I don’t live my life pretending to be someone else, at least most of the times I try not to. And I won’t stress on my imperfections like i used to before, I learnt they make me complete. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes and give ourselves the space to experience emotions in their fullness instead of faking happiness. Every time we conform just because a majority thinks it is “ The Right Thing”. We stop ourselves from exploring who WE truly are!! I am done with being something else than who I am. I thought I had enough with the validation processes the world has put in place. As we know a person is still valued by the wealth , things you possess, your education qualifications, credentials  and yadda yadda. I am not sure how many of you remember- there used to be a Bonafide Certificate issued by our school and college back in the times ( in India) to declare our conduct was good, so we can be accepted in the next School/ University  I mean how lame was that shit?! A declaration of you by a third person ( essentially who does not know shit about us) signing  piece of paper to prove or to be accepted elsewhere.

Each one of us has an intrinsic value as an individual on this planet. That value is unconnected to the trappings of wealth, our possessions, talents, or economic contributions to self and to the world. Each of us has inherent worth Period. Ultimately we each have the final word about who we are and the type of life we choose to live—don’t let your final words be packed with self-fulfilling lies. Some say follow your passion, parents told me do something to make a decent or rather respectable living. I don’t know what is my passion till date but I try to find some happiness and joy in what I do before it consumes me more. We all will end up doing something or the other for survival, we end up paying our bills and feeding our kids when we have them. Its okay  not to judge, we don’t really know what’s their journey is all about, do we?  For one. you knew me yesterday, please don't think I am the same person that you are meeting today. I've experienced more of life, I've encountered new depths in those whom I love, I've suffered, I prayed, I cried I fought and I am different.
Life is full of struggles. Some struggles can be fought with the help of others. But some struggles you have to face alone. And to be yourself in this hypocrite society is one such thing.  The well is too deep inside me, will take a while for me to pull out all the other garbage to pick these words and put them together which remotely makes some sense. So I just want to request you - if you find a misfit, a poet , a dreamer or a singer, for the love of the Universe don’t change them, let them be , I am sure they are trying to find some meaning and peace in being so. They don’t need a cure for their wellness. They are nothing but New Normal.

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