In terms with life again ... Oh no, rather life is in terms
with me again, guess this will serve as a better statement to put across, tried,
tested, weathered, beaten, knocked to the ground knees scraped, dreams
shattered at every turn and step - never lose faith, keep hitting bigger,
harder, better for what you want to come and kiss your feet and then it will
fall at your feet. That day you find the light and then you believe- yes, the
hustle was worth it and life, this bitch has to come to terms with you
sooner or later it will....and you win.
Bitter sweet experiences, little cheesy insults, inferiority pressing your throat, you can hardly breathe; shoulders crushed and shrugged together lost the way, can't find it anyhow, and cannot ask anyone what to do... May be that's why it is said that the toughest battles are fought in the inner chambers of your mind and heart with you and yourself and never with someone outside... Yes that is 100000% true and you have to live and realize this to feel it. I tell you this feeling is priceless and amazing, one of the most fabulous feelings ever you can experience in life....
Bitter sweet experiences, little cheesy insults, inferiority pressing your throat, you can hardly breathe; shoulders crushed and shrugged together lost the way, can't find it anyhow, and cannot ask anyone what to do... May be that's why it is said that the toughest battles are fought in the inner chambers of your mind and heart with you and yourself and never with someone outside... Yes that is 100000% true and you have to live and realize this to feel it. I tell you this feeling is priceless and amazing, one of the most fabulous feelings ever you can experience in life....
Life is not made of consistency. That's how you die one day
at a time. Life is made of changes, memories, and wicked plans, and the pleasure
that comes from freedom, the freedom which you need to pay certain price for,
the freedom for which you need to slog your butt for, the freedom which you
need to work to realize day in and day out and there is no short cut.
What are you waiting for? Someone to come and kick your ass?
Someone to come teach you which direction to go next or what else to do, if that’s
the case then remember, every day, every situation, every step, every turn of
life is teaching you something, sending a message for you to observe change,
reinvent yourself and move on and to surrender
to the current moment. Serve the moment. It's the only master you need to
listen to… if you still have doubts then I suggest you remember why, where and
how you started?
Every label you claim you have from before is just vanity.
You were a doctor? You were from an IIM or a Harvard of MIT? You had millions?
You had a family? Nobody cares. It’s not about money, my friends but money is a
decent measuring stick. When people say "it’s not about the money"
often they are really saying, "I'm really scared it's ALL about the
There will be many days where you don’t love what you are
doing. If you are doing it just for love then it will take much much longer
than what you planned or thought of achieving. When I love, I'm happy. When I
debate, and wonder, and want, and control, and believe, I'm not as happy. Do
what you do with love and success is a natural symptom.
At the end of the day it doesn’t matter 'coz eventually you’re
dead and then it’s hard to reinvent yourself, while you are alive, stay alive
and keep moving…at least you will live on your terms and life will come to your
terms sooner or later...